Friday, June 29, 2007

It's done

The transition from fixed-gear road bike to single-speed cross bike is complete. It's now got a Kinesis aluminum cross fork (so I can run wider tires), a linear-pull brake in the front and a new black-as-my-soul paint job. I'm gonna ride her at the nude tri, and kick some naked ass.


Anonymous said...

Hey, misscullen here. Sweet bike. All of that sounds very technical and complicated. I'll sumarze, if I may. It was a bike, still is a bike but different, long story short, it's pretty. But I wouldn't want to ride it after you ride it naked.

Do you sport specific train for a naked tri?

Anonymous said...

Hey. 3558 here. Trying to be cool like misscullen. Oh, and I think your seat's too high.