Friday, June 22, 2007

I got nuthin'...

OK, so I know it's been a while since I've posted. But really, I just haven't had much to say. And like I said in a previous post, I'm a firm believer that if you don't have anything to say you're much better off just shutting the fuck up. Jam bands and David Oliver Doswell II, take note.

I mean, it's not like nothing interesting has been happening, but it's only been very mildly interesting stuff at best. And stuff I only think is probably interesting to me. So why blog about it? Case in point:

For Father's Day, Nola got me a Webkinz. Don't know what a Webkinz is? Don't have kids, huh? Well, they're these Beanie Baby-like dolls, but the twist is they come with a code that you enter on their website, for which you receive a virtual representation of your animal. You play games on the site and earn "kinzcash" with which you buy crap for your animal--furniture for their house, clothes, etc. And when you get a new animal, you get a special (virtual) gift when you register it. For example, Nola's raccoon came with a trash can-shaped refrigerator, her hippo came with a pond-shaped bathtub--things that are representative of their little animal personalities. Nola got me the Cheeky Monkey (draw your own parallels). So you want to know what the "special gift" for the little simian was? Do you?

A banana hammock. Really.

So there's that. Mildly amusing, sure, but blog-worthy? You be the judge.

Here's another example:

Amy and I were lying in bed in our room at the Partridge Inn last Wednesday morning, waiting for our room-service breakfast to arrive (yes...I know..."la dee da"). So it was supposed to be delivered between 9 and 9:30, and it was getting close to 9:30, so I started wondering when it was going to be delivered:

Jim: Our food needs to come soon.

Amy: What time is it?

J: (looks at clock) mmm...9:23

A: so we still have...
(eyes roll up in her head, glazed over)

J: 7 minutes?

A: (laughing hysterically)

J: You're mathtastic.

So again, amusing, maybe, but maybe not worth taking 15 minutes to put down on virtual paper.

Let's see...what else? Oh yeah. I had a bathroom conversation at the Soul Bar with the singer from the Modern Skirts. He said Coco's awesome. But everyone knows that. He also said Coco would do great in Athens (promoting shows, I'm guessing, but he might have meant with the ladies. I'm not sure what he was talking about, now that I think about it).

Oh...and I registered for a nude triathlon. I actually think that is blog worthy. Probably more so after the event, though.


Corey Pein said...

I want a Junglicious Banana Shake.

Dances with Corgis said...

Ha! I love your stance on jam bands. But if then how can you do the hippy dance when you're tripping?! :)

PS- hi, it's LLuv from BT forums